Monday, October 27, 2008

Meeting on the 1st November 2008

MORNING (9-11.30am)
Morning meetings will be held in your respective schools. La Salle members, please bring your polishing kit as Drill Classes will be conducted this morning.

AFTERNOON (2.15-5.30pm)
The afternoon meeting will be going on in Trinity Methodist Church as usual. Members are required to bring their 'Triangular Bandage' and First Aid Notes. Those involved with the Christmas caroling practice are required to stay back from 5.30pm until 6.30pm. Please make the necessary transport arrangements.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Welcome to Beta@1st Petaling Jaya Boys' Brigade

Welcome to Beta@1st PJ BB!

This blog has been modified after it's predecessor '' which from the 1st of November 2008, shall be officially closed.

This blog has also been created to keep members of 1st Petaling Jaya Boys' Brigade (particularly Squad Beta members) informed about coming events and activities for session 08/09. I hope this blog is useful to you guys! :)